The Future Of Natural Rubber Starts Here
Mercu biotech
The Mercu Biotech Solution
This technology can increase rubber productivity by up to 300 percent. Additionally, its use is viable in all weather conditions, including those with high rainfall.
Sudarman stated that the trials conducted on the rubber plantations under the guidance of Muhammadiyah Tulang Bawang Barat yielded good results. Even with trees that had dead bark, the method developed by Mercu Bio Tech was still able to produce good quality sap.
Mercu Biotech’s dedicated R&D team continuously seeks innovative solutions to address the challenges in rubber plantations. Our ongoing experimentation and trials aim to enhance plantation performance and yields, ensuring sustainable growth and profitability. Additionally, we explore the development of high-value biochemicals from natural rubber serum, unlocking new growth avenues and diversifying our industry portfolio.
Why Mercu Biotech?
Enhance natural rubber yields and improve the livelihoods of rubber farmers through innovative technologies and sustainable practices, while delivering optimal returns to our stakeholders.
Enhance natural rubber yields and improve the livelihoods of rubber farmers through innovative technologies and sustainable practices, while delivering optimal returns to our stakeholders.
Provide global natural rubber buyers with a reliable and consistent supply of superior quality rubber, ensuring customer satisfaction and industry trust.
Provide global natural rubber buyers with a reliable and consistent supply of superior quality rubber, ensuring customer satisfaction and industry trust.
We collaborate with local communities and rubber farmers, fostering relationships built on trust and mutual respect.
We collaborate with local communities and rubber farmers, fostering relationships built on trust and mutual respect.
international grade rubber
Mercu Biotech
Systematic Latex Harvesting Method
exporting business materials
Exporting business materials, raw and final product to give the best option for our customers
facilitating improved method to farmers
We facilitate latex farmers to improve the rubber industry with our biotechnology system (MTS)
selling final products
Providing final products ready to for your business
Pokok Sena, Kedah, Malaysia
Tubaba, Lampung, Indonesia
Mercu Tap System FAQ?
What is Mercu Tap System?
Is MTS better than regular tapping?
Is MTS Effective?
Is MTS Farmer Friendly?
How can MTS Benefit Farmers?
How can i occupy the product?
Towards International ISO Certification
best quality rubber goods and effective harvesting system by Mercu Biotech